Sahih Muslim Vol. 2
This is the second volume of Imam Muslim’s famous ‘Sahih’. This is book widely regarded as the second most authentic collection of hadith only beaten by Bukhari’s ‘Sahih’. Although a minority of scholars claim that Sahih Muslim is more authentic than Sahih Bukhari.
This volume contains the following contents:
Hadith #1161 to #2262
- The Book of Masajid & Places of Prayer, Hadith #1161 – 1569
- The Book of the Traveller’s Prayer & Shortening Thereof, Hadith #1570 – 1836
- The Book of the Virtues of the Qur’an, Hadith #1837 – 1950
- The Book of al-Jumu’ah, Hadith #1951 – 2043
- The Book of the Two Eid Prayers, Hadith #2044 – 2069
- The Book of al-Istisqa’, Hadith #2070 – 2088
- The Book of Eclipses, Hadith #2089 – 2122
- The Book of Funerals, Hadith #2123 – 2262