Sahih Muslim Vol. 5
This is the fifth volume of Imam Muslim’s famous ‘Sahih’. This is book widely regarded as the second most authentic collection of hadith only beaten by Bukhari’s ‘Sahih’. Although a minority of scholars claim that Sahih Muslim is more authentic than Sahih Bukhari.
This volume contains the following contents:
Hadith #4519 to #5645
- The Book of Jihad & Expeditions, Hadith #4519 – 4700
- The Book of Leadership Hadith #4701 – 4971
- The Book of Hunting, Slaughter & What Animals May Be Eaten, Hadith #4972 – 5063
- The Book of Sacrifices, Hadith #5064 – 5126
- The Book of Drinks, Hadith #5127 – 5384
- The Book of Clothing & Adornment, Hadith #5385 – 5585
- The Book of al-Adab, Hadith #5586 – 5645