Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. 2
This is the second volume of Abu Dawud’s famous ‘Sunan’, it is widely regard as the third most authentic hadith collection although many would place Abu Isa at-Tirmidhi’s Jami’ ahead of it.
This volume contains the following contents:
Hadith #1161 to #2174
- The Book of the Prayer for Rain, Hadith #1161 – 1197
- The Book of the Traveler’s Prayers, Hadith #1198 – 1249
- The Book of the Voluntary Prayers, Hadith #1250 – 1370
- The Book of the Chapters Pertaining to the Month of Ramadan, Hadith #1371 – 1400
- The Book of the Prostrations of the Qur’an, Hadith #1401 – 1415
- The Book of Witr, Hadith #1416 – 1555
- The Book of Zakat, Hadith #1556 – 1700
- The Book of Lost Items, Hadith #1701 – 1720
- The Book of the Rites of Hajj & Umrah, Hadith #1721 – 2045
- The Book of Marriage, Hadith #2046 – 2174