Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. 5
This is the fifth volume of Abu Dawud’s famous ‘Sunan’, it is widely regard as the third most authentic hadith collection although many would place Abu Isa at-Tirmidhi’s Jami’ ahead of it.
This volume contains the following contents:
Hadith #4351 to #5274
- The Book of Legal Punishments, Hadith #4351 – 4493
- The Book of ad-Diyat, Hadith #4494 – 4590
- The Book of the Sunnah, Hadith #4591 – 4772
- The Book of Etiquette, Hadith #4773 – 5039
- Chapter on Sleep, Hadith #5040 – 5192
- Chapters on the Salam, Hadith #5193 – 5274
- Glossary of Islamic Terms