Bakr Abu Zayd


Bakr ibn `Abdullah Abu Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn `Abdullah ibn Bakr ibn `Uthman ibn Yahya ibn Ghayhab ibn Muhammad. He descended from the tribe of Zayd al-A`la, who is Zayd ibn Suwayd ibn Zayd ibn Suwayd ibn Zayd ibn Haram ibn Zayd Al-Qada`i from the famous Bani Zayd Al-Qada`iyyah tribe from the al-Washm area of

Najd, where he was born in 1365 A.H.

His Educational Background:

Shaykh Bakr studied until the second year of elementary school, and then in 1375 A.H. he moved to Riyadh where he continued his elementary studies, joined the Educational Institute, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah as an associate with first class honors in 1387 A.H./1388 A.H.

In 1384 A.H. he moved to al-Madinah, where he worked as a librarian in the General Library of the Islamic University.

In addition to his regular studies, he attended the learning circles of many Shaykhs in Riyadh, Makkah, and Al-Madinah.

In Riyadh, he studied the science of Miqat (science of chronological or astronomical times for calculating ephemerides and the time of prayer) under Shaykh Salih ibn Mutlaq, and studied 25 points from Maqamat Al-Hariry, which his Shaykh had already memorized in its entirety. In Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), he studied the book of Al-Buyu` (Sales) from al-Hajjawi’s Zad Al-Mustaqni.

In Makkah, he studied the book of Hajj from al-Majd ibn Taymiyyah’s Al-Muntaqa under Shaykh `Abdul-Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz (رحمه الله) during the Hajj season at Al-Masjid Al-Haram in 1385 A.H.

He sought authorization from a teacher in Al-Masjid Al-Haram, namely Shaykh Sulayman ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Hamdan, who personally wrote an authorization for him to teach all the books of the Sunnah.

In al-Madinah, he studied Ibn Hajar’s Fath Al-Bari and Bulugh Al-Maram under Shaykh Ibn Baz (رحمه الله), including a number of theses in Fiqh, Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/monotheism), and Hadith in his house. In short, he frequented him for two years, after which Shaykh Ibn Baz (رحمه الله) authorized him to teach these books.

After moving to al-Madinah, he also frequented Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin ash-Shinqeeti (رحمه الله) for approximately 10 years, until the Shaykh (رحمه الله) died during Hajj in 1393 A.H. In Tafsir (explanation/exegesis of the meanings of the Qur’an), he studied the Shaykh’s Adwa’ Al-Bayan, and the Shaykh’s thesis, Adab Al-Bahth Wal-Munazarah. He also studied Ibn `Abdul-Bar’s Al-Qasd Wal-Umam and some of Al-Inabah. In all, he has received approximately 20 authorizations (to teach different books of knowledge) from the scholars of Makkah, al-Madinah, Riyadh, Morocco, Syria, India, and Africa, among others.

In 1399 A.H./1978 C.E., he studied at the High Judicial Institute as an associate, where he achieved a Master’s degree, and in 1403 A.H./1982 C.E. he achieved a Doctorate.

His Active Life:

After graduating from the Faculty of Shari`ah in 1387 A.H./1966 C.E., he was selected as a judge for al-Madinah, whereby a Royal Decree was issued to appoint him. He continued in this post until 1400 A.H.

He was also a teacher in the Prophet’s Mosque from the time of his appointment in 1390 A.H. until 1400 A.H.

In 1391 A.H., a Royal Decree was issued appointing him as an Imam and preacher at the Prophet’s Mosque, and he continued in this post until the beginning of 1396 A.H.

In 1400 A.H., a decree was issued by the Council of Ministers selecting him as general procurator for the Ministry of Justice. He continued in this post until the end of 1412 A.H., when a Royal Decree was issued appointing him to the rank of excellence, and in turn a member of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’, and also the Council of Senior Scholars.

In 1405 A.H., a Royal Decree was issued appointing him as representative of the Kingdom at the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, which was created by a decision made by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and he was subsequently selected as President of the Academy.

In 1406 A.H., he was appointed as a member of the Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League.

The Shaykh has approximately 66 publications to his name, ranging from Hadith, Fiqh, Arabic, and others, with the number consistently rising due to his ongoing efforts. He is currently participating in a number of committees and conferences inside and outside the Kingdom.

His Works:

He has written many books on Hadith, Fiqh, linguistics, and general knowledge, of which he has printed the following:

First, Fiqh:

The first fifteen to be listed below have been compiled into three volumes related to newly arisen Fiqh matters:

1. At-Taqnin Wa Al-Ilzam

2. Al-Muwada`ah Fi Al-Istilah

3. Ajhizat Al-In`ash Wa `Alamat Al-Wafah

4. Tifl Al-Anabib

5. Khitab Ad-Daman Al-Banky

6. Al-Hisab Al-Falaky

7. Al-Buslah

8. At-Ta’min

9. At-Tashri` Wa zira`at Al-A`da’

10. Taghrib Al-Alqab Al-`Ilmiyyah

11. Bitaqat Al-‘Itiman

12. Bitaqat At-Takhfid

13. Al-Ubil

14. Al-Muthamanah Fi Al-`Aqar

15. At-Tamthil

16. At-Taqrib Li `Ulum Ibn Al-Qayyim, 1 volume.

17. Al-Hudud Wa At-Ta`zizat, 1 volume

18. Al-Jinayah `Ala Al-Nafs Wama Dunaha, 1 volume

19. Ikhtiyarat Ibn Taymiyyah by Al-Burhan Ibn Al-Qayyim

20. Hukm Al-Intima’ Ila Al-Firaq Wa Al-Ahzab Wa Al-Jama`at Al-Islamiyyah, 1 volume.

21. Mu`jam Al-Manahy Al-Lafdhiyyah, 1 volume.

22. La Jadid Fi Ahkam As-Salah

23. Tasnif An-Nas Bayn Ad-Dhan Wa Al-Yaqin

24. At-Ta`alum

25. Hulyat Talib Al-`Ilm

26. Adab Talib Al-Hadith Min Al-Jami` by Al-Khatib

27. Al-Riqabah `Ala At-Turath

28. Tasmiyyat Al-Mawlud

29. Adab Al-Hatif

30. Al-Farq Bayn Had Ath-Thawb Wa Al-Azrah

31. Adhkar Tarafay An-Nahar

32. Al-Madkhal Al-Mufassal Ila Madh-hab Al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, 2 volumes.

33. Al-Bulghah Fi Fiqh Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, 2 volumes.

34. Fatwa Al-Sin `An Muhimmat Al-Masa’il

Second, Hadith and its sciences:

35. At-Ta’sil Li Usul At-Takhrij Wa Qawa`id Al-Jarh Wa At-Ta`dil, 3 volumes, the first volume has been printed

36. Ma`rifat An-Nask Wa As-Suhuf Al-Hadithah

37. At-Tahdith Bima La Yasih Fihi Hadith

38. Al-Jad Al-Hathith Fi Ma`rifat Ma Lays Bihadith by Al-Ghazi

Al-Ajza’ Al-Hadithiyyah, which comprises five treaties in one volume listed below:

39. Marwiyyat Du`a’ Khatm Al-Qur’an Al-Karim

40. Nusus Al-Hiwalah

41. Ziyarat An-Nisa’ Lil Qubur

42. Mas-h Al-Wajh Bi Al-Yadayn Ba`d Raf`ihima Bi Ad-Du`a’

43. Da`f Hadith Al-`Ajn

Third, General Knowledge:

An-Nazha’ir, which comprises of four treaties in one volume:

44. Al-`Uzzab Min Al-`Ulama’ Wa Ghayrihim

45. At-Tahawwul Al-Madhabi

46. At-Tarajim Ad-Dhatiyyah

47. Lata’if Al-Kalim Fi Al-`Ilm

48. Tabaqat An-Nassabin, 1 volume

49. Ibn Al-Qayyim, Hayatuh, Atharuh, Mawariduh, 1 volume

Ar-Rudud, which comprises the first five treaties listed below into one volume:

50. Ar-Rad `Ala Al-Mukhalif

51. Tahrif An-Nusus

52. Bara’it Ahl As-Sunnah Min Al-Waqi`ah Fi `Ulama’ Al-Ummah

53. `Aqidat ibn Abu Zayd Al-Qayrawani Wa `Abath Ba`d Al-Mu`asirin Biha.

54. At-Tahdhir Min Mukhtasarat As-Sabuni Fi Al-Tafsir

55. Bida` Al-Qurra’

56. Khasa’is Jazirat Al-`Arab

57. As-Suhub Al-Wabilah `Ala Dara’ih Al-Hanabilah, 3 volumes by Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdullah ibn Humayd (Mufti of Hanabilah in Makkah in 1296 A.H.)

58. Tas-hil Al-Sabilah Ila Ma`rifat `Ulama’ Al-Hanabilah, by Shaykh Salih ibn `Abdul-Aziz ibn `Uthaymin Al-Makki, edited into 1 volume

59. `Ulama’ Al-Hanabilah Min Al-Imam Ahmad Ila Wafiyyat Al-Qarn Al-Khamis `Ashr, 1 volume based on the arrangement of Al-A`lam by Al-Zarkali

60. Du`a’ Al-Qunut

61. Fat-hullah Al-Hamid Al-Majid Fi Sharh Kitab Al-Tawhid, by Shaykh Hamid ibn Muhammad Al-Sharqi, 1 volume

62. Nazariyyat Al-Khalt Bayn Al-Islam Wa Ghayrahu Min Al-Adyan

63. Taqrib Adab Al-Bahth Wa Al-Munazarah

64. Jabal Il-Al Bi `Arafat, historical and Shar`i verification

65. Madinat An-Naby (Salla Allahu `Alayhi Wa Sallam) Ra’yu Al-`Ayn

66. Qubat As-Sakhrah, Tahqiqat Fi Tarikh `Imarat-ha Wa Tarmimaha

Biography is prepared by `Abdullah ibn Bakr Abu Zayd, Taken From alifta.net

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